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Schichtdessert – Layered Dessert









Useful Information

Preparation Time –

5 mins

Cooking Time –

5 min

Difficulty –


Portions –



  • 4 decorative
    glasses or jars (hold 250ml)
  • 100g blueberries
  • 100 raspberries
  • 400-600ml natural
    full fat or Greek yoghurt
  • 250ml raspberry coulis
    (defrost and strain frozen
    raspberries through a
    sieve or muslin cloth)
  • 500g oats
  • Enough maple syrup
    to coat the oats
  • Handful of roasted
    hazelnuts (or almonds)
  • Some cocoa powder or
    another drizzle of maple syrup
    to decorate

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    This is a really easy dessert that can also be used as a snack or post workout meal. You can also be creative with the ingredients you use. Yoghurt is full of calcium and Vitamin D, berry coulis is high in polyphenols and vitamins, oats are a great source of complex carbohydrates and fibres. Add some fresh berries for even more plant derived nutrients and vitamins.

    Schichtdessert – Layered Dessert


    • You are meant to fill the jars in layers.
    • Starting with the maple syrup soaked oats, place equal amounts into the bottom of each jar
    • Next place a little yoghurt on top of the oats, now place some fresh berries on top of the yoghurt
    • Next add some more yoghurt and the coulis.
    • Finish off with a topping of berries and roasted hazelnuts.
    • Can be stored in the fridge for a few hours.

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