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Roast Winter Veg with Chicory









Useful Information

Preparation Time –

10 mins

Cooking Time –

30 mins

Difficulty –


Portions –

Serves 2


  • 2-4 heads of chicory,
  • 2 medium potatoes for roasting
  • 400g Greek yoghurt
  • 2 carrots, beetroot or a courgettee
  • A sprig each of fresh
    rosemary and thyme
  • 1 onion
  • Olive oil to drizzle
  • Salt & pepper to season

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    Chicory is a highly undervalued vegetable. It grows seasonally in the winter and is always fresh this time of year. Chicory contains large amounts of fibre inulin, which feeds your friendly gut bacteria. Since 70% of your immune system is contained in the gut, feeding your friendly bacteria at this time of year makes perfect sense.

    roasted veg with chicory



    • Heat your oven to 185C.
    • Slice the chicory in half, remove the growing end as this can be bitter.
    • Place top up in an oven proof dish and drizzle with 2-4 Tbsp olive oil.
    • Wash the potatoes and leave on the peel if you enjoy the skin.
    • Cut in quarters and place on a separate oven-proof dish. Roll in a little olive oil. Place them in the oven.
    • cut your carrots, beetroot and/or courgette into bite-size chunks, place on an oven-proof dish, and add the rosemary and thyme, some salt and pepper and place in the oven.
    • place the chicory in the oven.
    • Check and turn the vegetables once (but leave the chicory alone); they should all be ready after 25-30 mins.
    • Enjoy a super winter warmer meal teaming with nutrients, vitamins and fibre.

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