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Puy Lentil Salad – French Style









Useful Information

Preparation Time –

10 mins

Cooking Time –

15 min

Difficulty –


Portions –



  • 250g dry Puy lentils
  • 2 medium
    shallots (or medium red onion)
  • ½ celery stick
  • A small handful
    of finely chopped parsley
  • Olive oil,
    white wine vinegar, salt
    and pepper to season
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      Lentils are a wonderful source of plant protein and fibre. They are low in calories and digest slowly, releasing their energy over a long period of time. Lentils were traditionally eaten all across Europe, they’re a super versatile vegetable as they work well in soups and warm dishes as well as cold in salads. This French style salad is wonderful cold or warm and can be eaten on its own, or as a side to a chicken dish.

      Puy Lentil Salad – French Style


      • Bring the lentils to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes.
      • Replace the cooking water and bring back up to a gentle simmer for another 10 minutes or until the lentils start to soften.
      • Drain and put aside.
      • Meanwhile, finely chop one of the shallots /½ the red onion and celery stick.
      • Fry them together in a pan over medium heat in a little olive oil.
      • Allow to soften over low to medium heat.
      • Finely chop the other shallot, 1/2 red onion.
      • Bring everything together in a bowl, seasoning with vinegar, oil, sat & pepper.
      • Garnish with parsley to serve.

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