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Baked Sweet Potato Dessert









Useful Information

Preparation Time –

10 mins

Cooking Time –

20 min

Difficulty –


Portions –



  • 2 medium size sweet potatoes
  • 4 pieces of 90% dark chocolate
    (the higher the quality the better)
  • 1 tsp of coconut oil
  • A few dried coconut shavings
  • 20 (or so) roasted hazelnuts,
    roughly chopped
  • A sprinkle of honey or
    cinnamon if desired
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      Sweet potatoes aren’t potatoes, they are a different type of vegetable that grow edible roots. They are vegetables, but are so sweet you can use them like a fruit – as in, you can eat them as dessert if you wish. In the past, sweet potatoes were eaten as a dessert. I once had Tudor-style boiled sweet potato with rose water as a dessert, it was delicious. I am taking the dessert sweet potato to the 21st century by adding dark chocolate and coconut…

      Baked Sweet Potato Dessert


      • Slice the sweet potatoes lengthwise, place on a baking tray and put into a preheated oven at 180C for about 20 minutes.
      • Once the sweet potatoes are thoroughly cooked through (soft) take them out of the oven and mash their fleshy inside a little using a fork.
      • Once that’s done, add ½ tsp coconut butter to each half, sprinkle with chopped dark chocolate (about 1 piece for each half) and hazelnuts.
      • Top with coconut flakes.
      • Enjoy this super nutritious and satisfying dessert warm!

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