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Time to go Back to School, Time to get back to the gym too

GymPlus Team

September 12, 2024

Time to go Back to School, Time to get back to the gym too

After the summer we have just had you probably feel relief at the lovely warm weather September has bestowed upon us over the past couple of weeks. Make sure to soak up every last ray of sunshine this time of year as your skin still makes Vitamin D up until October.

Taking care not to overexpose, do make sure to show your arms and legs to the sun as much as you can. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for a happy winter, healthy immune system and wellbeing. It’s essential for you to store up some now.

Aside from fuelling up on Vitamin D, it is now also time to get back into your gym routine and work on your fitness. A fit body is a healthy body and will fight off colds and flu this winter a lot more readily than an unfit body. So, work out your gym schedule now!

How do you work out your best gym schedule going forward? Revisit your goals, make a plan, set up a schedule, work on your nutrition and lifestyle habits.

My Top Gym Schedule Hacks

Revisit Your Goals.

It’s September, and the last time you set yourself goals is probably a while ago. Remember your goals, write them down and reflect on them. Adjust them if necessary. Consult with the friendly qualified staff at your GymPlus.

Make a Plan.

You’re not going to achieve your goals without coming up with a plan. Build a robust plan of a mix of classes and gym work. Work out if you can fit in some walks or runs to exercise outside. Maybe there’s a new class to try.

Set up a Schedule.

The best goals and plans won’t come to fruition without a decent schedule on how to achieve them. Plan your workouts into your week. Make time for yourself. Prioritise your workout times over less essential tasks in the week. If you plan your workouts into your week, you are more likely to stick to them than if you allow yourself to go to the gym ad hoc.

Look at your Lifestyle and Nutrition.

Have any bad habits crept in over the summer? Tidy up your diet now. Refer to the lovely healthy recipes at GymPlus www.gymplus.ie/resrouces. Also kick any harmful lifestyle habits like late nights, too much alcohol or sugary snacks now.

Create your own Non-Negotiables.

Write down your top three commitments to your fitness you don’t want to break this winter. This can be hugely beneficial when the going gets tough once the evenings close in. For example, make a midweek gym session absolutely non-negotiable. You might not enjoy going every time, but you will soon notice that your body is asking for its regular movement break, that it craves exercise.

Once you allow yourself to make time for your fitness and get into a routine, you will feel so much better in your body, you will start craving exercise, and you will start seeing and feeling the real results.

GymPlus Team

September 12, 2024

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