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Join a HIIT Class

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) alternates between short periods of intense explosive exercises with a brief recovery period. Typically a 45-minute class will have you using max energy and feel great at the end.

What is a HIIT Class?

HIIT or High- Intensity classes is a specific type of training technique where you go all-out, giving 100% effort in short but intense bursts. These intense bursts are followed by either a short recovery (usually a minute to 90-seconds) or even an active recovery period where you continue to work out but at around 50% effort. HIIT training keeps your heart rate up and burns a lot of fat in a short amount of time.

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Why do HIIT Classes?

Now that we know what HIIT is, what are the benefits of HIIT?

Improve cardio health

Burn Calories
In A Short Time

As HIIT focuses on keeping your heart rate up and continue working out with short breaks in between, you will burn the same amount of calories as you would in a longer, more difficult workout.

Metabolic Rate

Due to the intensity of HIIT, it can elevate your metabolic rate for hours which leads to additional calories being burned after the workout.


As HIIT workouts use different weights and barbells, your strength will increase with prolonged classes.

What Types of
HIIT Classes are Included

We offer a wide range of HIIT classes. Please check your individual class timetable to see if that class is in your location.

What Other Members Think

Find out what other members have to say about Gym Plus!


The HIIT class is an amazing workout that’s given me the best results I’ve done in my life. Prior to this class, I suffered from bad asthma for years; I now very seldomly need to use an inhaler


My favourite thing about Gym Plus is the atmosphere, all the equipment that’s here and the classes are so helpful. The trainers and instructors are amazing and will help you throughout your session every single day.


I’ve been a member of Gym Plus since it opened. I do indoor cycle class every Sunday morning, which is great fun because if there are 12 or 15 members, it can be quite competitive. I would recommend Gym Plus to anybody who wants to join a gym.

Book a Tour Today!

Want a sneak peek into one of our clubs before you decide? Book a tour today, and one of our friendly staff members will show you everything we have to offer, along with answering any questions you may have.

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