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Keeping fit this Summer

GymPlus Team

June 17, 2024

Keeping fit this Summer

Whether you have a family or not, the summer is always a time where routines and schedules change. You might find that your place of work ramps up due to the season, while other companies might almost shut down because of the season. If you have a young family, you all of a sudden have children to mind at all hours.
The summer is the time to make sure to make time for yourself. The days are long, the weather is fine, and we have loads of energy. So let’s make sure to use this energy.

Maintain your gains

Remember, it is vital to keep going with your gym routine in order to hold on to the gains you have made during the year. If you keep your gym routine going, you are also fending off possible weight gain by being inactive in summer.
Muscles take time and effort to build up, so make sure to keep lifting weights inside and outside the gym to ensure you keep your muscles engaged and growing.

Be in a good mood

Exercise releases relaxing and mood-lifting hormones in your body, making you less anxious and relaxed. Exercise also improves your mood significantly. In fact, it is proven that weight-lifting exercises have a calming effect on the nervous system.
Put on your favourite music, go for a run or brisk walk. Enjoy a wild swim. Go for a long hike at the weekend. What’s important is to walk or run at a pace where you cannot easily hold a conversation for at least 20-30 minutes.

Keeping fit this Summer

Try a new gym class

Is there a class in your gym that you have had an eye on for a while? Now is the time to try it out. Changing up tour exercise routine will help motivate you to keep going, it’ll possibly exercise different muscle groups and build different fitness, and it’s also a lot of fun to discover something new. Check in with your local GymPlus schedule and book yourself in for a class you have never done before.

Try something new

Summer is also a time for relaxing, sitting back and enjoying yourself. This does not have to be sedentary. Summer is the perfect time to try out a new activity you have always wanted to try out. Ireland is a wonderful place for outdoor activities, they are now more accessible than ever.

You can go for a cycle on one of Ireland’s Green Ways, hike in the local forest or mountains, go for wild swims (safely), try out mountain biking on one of the many local trails, maybe try stand-up paddle boarding, or book an outdoor yoga class. Try something new this summer. Visit these website for more information:


GymPlus Team

June 17, 2024

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