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Swimming Lessons

Welcome to our Aquatics Academy swimming lessons, in partnership with Swim Ireland.  We cater to children of all ages and swimming abilities, starting from as young as 4 months old, right through to Senior 5. Our online booking system allows you to book for Pre-school levels 1, 2, and 3, as well as Junior 1. If your child is not a beginner swimmer, please follow the online booking system and book a free grading assessment with our swim team.

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3 Simple Steps to Enrol Online


Create an account

Let’s get started! Visit our Online Portal HERE.

Click "Join Now"
Pick your preferred Gym Plus club and sign up for a Swimming Lessons account
Within the personal information section, enter your details as the parent/guardian.


Child details

When you are logged onto your client portal account select “Swimming Lessons”.
Click “Add A Family Member” and enter your child’s information.


Book lessons

Pick a session time that suits and enrol your child on the course.

If there is no availability, keep checking back because new openings happen often. We don’t stick to a fixed-term schedule; kids progress to higher levels as they’re ready.

Swim Groups

Pre-School 1

By the end of Pre-School 1, babies aged 4-18 months (with full adult support based on baby’s needs) can enter and exit the water safely, be comfortable with water being poured over the body, bob up and down, float on the front and back, and move through the water on the front or back.

Enter and exit the water safely.

Bob up and down in the water, in an upright position.

Comfortable with water being poured over head and body.

Float on the back.

Float on the front.

Move through the water on the front or back

Pre-School 2

By the end of Pre-School 2, toddlers aged 18-36 months (with adult support based on toddler’s needs) can enter and exit the water safely, splash water over the body, blow bubbles, float on front and back, move through the water on front and back, and perform a log roll.

Enter and exit the water safely.

Splash hands in the water.

Reach and grab toys on the water surface.

Comfortable wetting or splashing the face, put chin in the water and blow bubbles.

Float on the front.

Float on the back.

Move through the water on the front and back.

Rotate 180 degrees in a horizontal or upright position.

Pre-School 3

By the end of Pre-School 3, children aged 3-4 years (with minimal adult support based on child’s needs) can enter the water from a sitting position, demonstrate alphabet shapes while floating on front and back, paddle through the water, blow bubbles with mouth and nose underwater, push off on the front or back, perform a log roll, and list two pool safety rules.

Enter the water from sitting position. Exit water safely.

Blow bubbles with the mouth and nose underwater.

Enter the pool, rotate, and return to the side.

Float on the front and back, demonstrating at least 3 shapes.

Move through the water on the front and back.

Move an object on water surface with hand(s) sculling movement.

Move through the water by paddling for at least 5 seconds.

Push off on the front or back.

Rotate 360 degrees using a log roll.

List two pool rules.

Junior 1

By the end of Junior 1, swimmers aged 4+ can enter the water safely using two methods, push off the wall on front and back, rotate 360 degrees, perform alternating and simultaneous action of arms and legs, blow bubbles with face underwater, and identify who can keep them safe in the water.

Enter and exit the water safely using at least one of the methods available.

Blow bubbles with the face underwater.

Perform a mushroom float for 5 seconds.

Push off from the wall on front with arms extended, return to upright position.

Push off from the wall on back with arms by side, return to upright position.

Rotate 360 degrees using log roll and in upright position.

Perform ALTERNATING action of arms and legs for at least 5 seconds.

Perform SIMULTANEOUS action of arms and legs for at least 5 seconds.

Perform static standing hand scull with cupped hands.

Identify who can keep you safe in the water.

Junior 2

By the end of Junior 2, swimmers can perform the in-water diving skills, are introduced to streamlining, will develop their floatation, body position, kick, arm action and breathing, can identify pool equipment and list safety rules.

Perform diving pre-requisite skills: aquatic breathing, aquatic vision, total submersion and resurface, change of direction underwater.

Perform continuous bobs, completely submerging body underwater and blowing bubbles.

Float on front and regain upright position.

Float on back and regain upright position.

Push and glide on front in streamlined position.

Push and glide on back in streamlined position.

Perform a streamlined float on front, tuck knees to chest, and return to streamlined position on front.

Push and glide on front exhaling, rotate to back, inhale, rotate to front, exhale.

Perform ALTERNATING kick and arm action on front for at least 10 seconds.

Perform SIMULTANEOUS kick and arm action on front for at least 10 seconds.

Perform ALTERNATING kick and arm action on back for at least 10 seconds.

Perform hand scull in figure of 8 shape while standing.

Identify three lifesaving aids and three pool rules.

Junior 3

By the end of Junior 3, swimmers can jump into the water safely, float on front and back, submerge fully under the water, push and glide, perform simultaneous and alternating kick and arm action, and demonstrate how to seek help in an emergency.

Perform a jump to enter the water safely. Exit from water unaided (location specific).

Float on front, perform a tuck, rotate to float on back, regain standing position.

Float on back, perform a tuck, rotate to float on front, regain standing position.

Fully submerge underwater to pick up an object.

Push and glide on front in a streamlined position, perform 6 kicks.

Push and glide on back in a streamlined position, perform 6 kicks.

Push and glide on side, rotate onto front.

Push and glide on side, rotate onto back.

Move on back for at least 10 seconds, perform tuck float, rotate to front, return to the wall on front.

Perform ALTERNATING kick and arm action on front for at least 15 seconds.

Perform SIMULTANEOUS kick and arm action on front for at least 15 seconds.

Perform water safety & lifesaving skills.

Perform ALTERNATING kick and arm action on back for at least 15 seconds.

Perform sculling action on BACK HEAD FIRST with arms by side for at least 5 seconds.

Junior 4

By the end of Junior 4, swimmers can perform a forward fall to enter the water safely, float in various positions, rotate 360 degrees, perform the four strokes with emphasis on kick and tread water for 15 seconds.

Float on front for 5 seconds, mushroom float for 5 seconds, float on back for 5 seconds.

Perform a feet first surface dive.

Push and glide on front and perform a handstand.

Push and glide on left, rotate to front, rotate to right, while kicking continuously.

Push and glide on side exhaling, rotate to back, inhale, rotate to other side exhale, while kicking continuously.

Perform frontcrawl leg and arm action for at least two stroke cycles.

Perform backstroke leg and arm action for at least two stroke cycles.

Perform breaststroke leg and arm action for at least two stroke cycles.

Perform butterfly leg and arm action for at least one stroke cycle.

Push and glide to commence streamlining practise.

Perform sculling action on BACK FEET FIRST with arms by side for at least 5 seconds.

Tread water for at least 15 seconds.

Senior 1

By the end of Senior 1, swimmers can push and glide into the four strokes with emphasis on kick and arm action, have developed breathing as part of rotation, and tread water for 30 seconds.

Perform rotation & orientation practices.

  • Perform a mushroom float followed by a tumble.
  • Perform a headfirst surface dive and pick an object up from pool floor.
  • Perform a handstand in shallow water and regain standing position.

Perform the 4 strokes with technical efficiency.

  • Perform full stroke frontcrawl with lateral breathing for 4 cycles.
  • Perform full stroke backstroke for 4 cycles.
  • Perform full stroke breaststroke with breathing for 4 cycles.
  • Perform full stroke butterfly with breathing for 2 cycles.

Perform a sequence of up to 2 linked practices, to develop skill base of all 4 strokes.

  • Frontcrawl
  • Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Butterfly

Push and glide to commence the 4 strokes.

Perform sculling action on FRONT FEET FIRST with arms extended for 10 seconds.

Perform water safety & lifesaving practices.

Senior 2

By the end of Senior 2, swimmers can perform the four strokes efficiently with emphasis on breathing and tread water wearing clothing.

Perform rotation & orientation practices.

  • Perform a handstand in deep water and regain upright position.
  • Perform a forward tumble after 1 frontcrawl cycle.

Perform the 4 strokes with technical efficiency.

  • Perform full stroke frontcrawl with lateral breathing for 6 cycles.
  • Perform full stroke backstroke for 6 cycles.
  • Perform full stroke breaststroke with breathing for 6 cycles.
  • Perform full stroke butterfly with breathing for 4 cycles.

Perform a sequence of up to 3 linked practices, to develop skill base of all 4 strokes.

  • Frontcrawl
  • Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Butterfly

Push and glide to commence the 4 strokes with technical efficiency.

Perform sculling action on FRONT HEAD FIRST with arms extended for 10 seconds.

Perform water safety & lifesaving practices.

Senior 3

By the end of Senior 3, swimmers can perform the four strokes efficiently at a controlled pace, have been introduced to turns and introduced to Rookie Lifeguard Bronze Stage 1.

Perform a straddle jump to enter the water safely.

Perform touch/turn in the four strokes, push off in streamlined position, and glide to surface.

  • Frontcrawl
  • Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Butterfly

Perform the four strokes with efficient breathing technique.

  • Frontcrawl (8 cycles)
  • Backstroke (8 cycles)
  • Breaststroke (8 cycles)
  • Butterfly (6 cycles)

Perform a sequence of up to 4 linked practices, to develop skill base of all 4 strokes.

  • Frontcrawl
  • Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Butterfly

Perform streamlining practices.

  • Perform push and glide from wall to move up to 3 body lengths underwater, glide to surface.
  • Perform a push and glide from pool floor in a streamlined position towards the surface.
  • Perform a tumble turn with a plush and glide from wall to move up to 3 body lengths underwater, glide to surface.

Perform sculling and paddling practices.

  • Perform a sitting tuck position in deep water using sculling action.

Introduced to Rookie Lifeguard Bronze (Stage 1)

  • Tread water for 1 minute, use your arms to occasionally signal for help
  • Swim lifesaving backstroke continuously for 25m.
  • Using a buoyant aid, hold the HELP position for 1 minute.

Senior 4

By the end of Senior 4, swimmers can perform the four strokes efficiently at changing paces, have developed turns and introduced to Rookie Lifeguard Bronze Stage 2.

Perform (in all four strokes) underwater transition, glide to surface.

  • Frontcrawl
  • Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Butterfly

Perform touch/turn in the four strokes, perform underwater transition, and glide to surface.

  • Frontcrawl
  • Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Butterfly

Perform rotation & orientation practices.

  • Perform a push and glide from pool floor into a horizontal streamlined position at the surface.
  • Perform a tumble turn starting in a horizontal position on the front and finishing in a horizontal position on the back.

Perform efficient breathing technique on all strokes.

  • Frontcrawl, unilateral and bilateral breathing
  • Breaststroke, breathing within every stroke cycle.
  • Butterfly, breathing within every stroke cycle.

Perform the four strokes with technical efficiency at slow speed and fast speed.

  • Frontcrawl
  • Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Butterfly

Perform a sequence of up to 4 linked practices, to develop skill base of all 4 strokes.

  • Frontcrawl
  • Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Butterfly

Perform streamlining practices.

  • Perform a push and glide from wall at slow speed and fast speed to achieve up to 3 body lengths underwater, glide to surface.
  • Perform a tumble turn with a technically efficient, P&G from wall at slow and fast speed, to achieve up to 3 body lengths underwater.

Perform sculling practices.

Introduced to Rookie Lifeguard Bronze (Stage 2)

  • Treading water for 1 minute, turn around 180 degrees.
  • Swim lifesaving backstroke continuously for 50
  • Using a buoyant aid, hold the HELP position for 2 minutes.

Senior 5

By the end of Senior 5, swimmers can perform the four strokes and turns efficiently and introduced to Rookie Lifeguard Bronze Stage 3.

Perform rotation & orientation practices.

  • Perform a vertical P&G from pool floor into a tumble turn over the surface.
  • Perform a tumble turn up to 360 degrees from a static horizontal streamlined position to return to the same position.

Perform touch/turn in the four strokes, moving to full stroke.

  • Frontcrawl
  • Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Butterfly

Perform the four strokes with efficiency at varying and changing speeds.

  • Frontcrawl
  • Backstroke
  • Breaststroke
  • Butterfly

Perform streamlining practices.

  • Perform P&G from wall at various speeds to achieve up to triple the body length underwater followed by transition to stroke and breakout for the four strokes.
  • Perform a tumble turn with a technical efficient, P&G from wall at various speeds to achieve up to triple the body length underwater, followed by transition to frontcrawl/backstroke.

Perform sculling and paddling practices.

Introduced to Rookie Lifeguard Bronze (Stage 3)

  • Tread water for 1 minute using your arms to signal for help every 30 seconds, then: – move 2m backwards; move 2m to the right; move 2m to the left.
  • Swim head-up lifesaving backstroke continuously for 50m, then use a buoyant aid hold the HELP position for 2 minutes 30 seconds.
  • Perform a feet first surface dive and swim underwater for 5 metres.

Enquiry Form for Children’s Lessons Junior 2+

If you have any other query regarding children’s lessons, please contact us using the form below.

    What Other Swimmers Think

    Find out what other members have to say about Gym Plus Swimming Lessons!

    I’ve been swimming with Gym Plus for 8 years now and every week I enjoy my time there. Swimming helps with my recovery as a track runner and triathlon training. Jean has been teaching me since i was 5 years old and has built my confidence as a swimmer. I am now in the swim club and it has made me a stronger swimmer. Gym Plus is a friendly, helpful and great place to swim, I would highly recommend Gym Plus.

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